So Who Is Joe?
Hi everyone, I am Joe, and I was born an Army brat. I enlisted in the USAF in 1970 (worked Avionics on RF-4C, T-29, KC-135, B-52G & H, F-4E, F-16 & F-15 AIS & AIS Mobile Facility Program), retired in 1991.
I worked in Manufacturing for the next 23 years, in mainly Production Scheduling, and retired from that in 2014.
My best friend, my wife, passed away in 2015, two weeks short of our 40th anniversary (all of our kids have/had four legs and tails-dogs, horses, cats). I believe that God does always answer our prayers…it’s just that sometimes the answer is “No”. I’m not really sure what comes next, but I will make the best of it…right here, in Wealthy Affiliate.

Summer in Indiana, 1992, with Matt, our first Equine kid (Mama’s Baby!)

Winter in Indiana, 2016, wind chill -13F!
Coming soon–FLORIDA!!!
UPDATE 2020:
“What comes next”…boy, what a phrase. I’ve moved to Florida (with three of my “kids”, Sherrill, Andy and Jack–Sherrill, however passed away the day after Thanksgiving, 2019), am now engaged, we bought a house…I am truly, truly blessed with “What comes next”!!!
My purpose in creating this site was, and still is, to share my experiences so that others may learn and pass on what they find enjoyable. I have been away from this purpose for a while, but am ready to continue my contributions to the “e”-world via Wealthy Affiliate, so here goes.
Opinions and tips offered here are my own, and I have not received any compensation for my opinions (although please see my Affiliate Disclosure to the right).
I hope all who visit here enjoy the experience and find something helpful. Please feel free to contribute by leaving your comments below! I will get back to you as soon as I can.
Thanks for visiting, and have a great day/week/month/year/LIFE!!!
And now, FLORIDA!